Zino Davidoff was a man with a sense for essentials, who understood enjoying the moment, and who made this enjoyment a philosophy. Since the beginning of the last century Zino Davidoff's philosophy has been recognized and greatly appreciated. It's the real things in life that make it worth living.
Zino Davidoff had a great sense of humour and a well-developed feeling for the beautiful things in life. An artist; who understood people, and respected them. Who never lost sight of his purpose; to enrich life through enjoying its good things.
Who even as a successful businessman remained true to himself and to his principles. Zino Davidoff believed in simplicity, in the complete enjoyment of life. People who knew Davidoff knew this. They came from all over the world to share his philosophy, to enjoy his finest, purest cigars. They understood what Zino Davidoff meant when he said: "Smoke less, but better and longer - make a cult of it, even a philosophy!"